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Community Box  Success 

We continue each week in conjunction with Rackets Cubed and City Harvest to  provide over a 100 boxes to support our families 

Another  creative start to the year!

The whole school started their year with a project about ' I spy Colour' and the seven elements of Art by Lucy Micklethwait  There was so much great work we wanted to share this with you

Be bright, be seen! initiative 

The whole school took part in the project, making sure that we are safe out on the roads when coming to and from school.  Here are some of our designs

Our new pupils!

We have been delighted to see our new nursery children settle into the nursery so well.  Please get in touch if you would like your child to join us.

Parkfield conversation cafe!

Every Tuesday morning a group has been meeting to hold conversations in English to help them understand more about living here in London, improving their written and spoken English alongside making new friends. 

This term has seen many of our pupils out on trips and taking part in selected activities to support their connected curriculum

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